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A collaborative password manager NodeJS API

PassWeaver API

PassWeaver API is an enterprise-scale, collaborative secrets manager API. It allows to safely store and retreive sensitive data, such as sites passwords, API credentials, network passwords… in other words any information that needs to be encrypted, protected, monitored, shared.

It’s collaborative, meaning that users are organized in groups and protected items are organized in folders: different permissions can be defined for each folder for each user group.

What is it?

PassWeaver API is a full API server, is no GUI or CLI: you can easily integrate it with your systems and let it act as a password centralized vault. Instead, for a ready to use, simple yet complete Web GUI to run against the API, have a look at

PassWeaver API is a NodeJS application, released under MIT license, and it uses these (great) opensource libraries, among several others:

See below for a full API documentation.

How it works


An ‘item’ is an entity with a (unecrypted) title, a type field, metadata field, and some encrypted data. PassWeaver API just encrypts “strings”, so your data can be anything that can be converted into a string: there is not built-in logic on the content.

For example, in one item you may store a JSON object that identifies a login:

  url: "abc",
  user: "aaa",
  password: ""

and in another item you may have something that represents an API credentials set:

  clientid: "",
  clientsecret: "",
  url: "",
  scope: ""

and in another item you may have just only a flat string.

It’s up to the consumer to decode and handle the data, based on the type field.

An item has also a mandatory title field, that can be searched for and is NOT encrypted: do not use it for storing sensitive information.

The metadata field is NOT encrypted as well but not mandatory, and it allows to store any additional uncrypted info for a given item.


Folders, just like in a file system, holds a collection of items and/or subfolders. Each folder may hold specific persmissions for a given group, and will inherit parent’s credentials (see ‘Permissions’ below).

PassWeaver API has 2 predefined folders that cannot be modified:

Personal folders

Each user has a ‘personal’ folder for storing private, not-shared-with-anyone items. Each user will have to set a personal password that will be used for unlocking personal folders. The key for encryption is (at the moment) the same of non-personal items.

Users and groups

Users are assigned to groups, and groups have read/write permissions for a given folder.

Users can join any number of groups.

While groups can be nested to form a tree, there is no membership inheritance: if a user is member of a group G, it will not automatically join the “children” of G.


PassWeaver supports two authentication methods:


The Admins built-in group and it’s built-in member user admin are targeted at creating users and groups, and assigning permissions to folders. Both Admins group and admin user cannot be updated or deleted.

Since Admins group members and admin user are meant for administration tasks, they have NO access to any items in any folder, and they do not have personal folders either.


Another built-in group is Everyone, quite self-explanatory: all created users will be automatically added to this group, and they can’t be removed from it.


A folder has 2 permissions:

Permissions are on folders, and not on single items, and are granted to groups of users, and not to single users: this is intentional, following the KISS philosophy; in complex environments, permissions for a single user or for a single item are difficult to maintain and very easy to mess with, while group permissions let you have a cleaner and more maintainable configuration.

Following same KISS paradigm, permissions are always inherited. For example, in a company setup you may have these folders:

Suppose that datacenters are managed by different groups of people: you would have a “AzureAdmins” group, along with “AWSAdmins” and “GCPAdmins”, and you would give read+write permissions to each group on its own folder.

You may have a user managing both GPC and AWS, so you would just have to add the user to both “AWSAdmins” and “GCPAdmins”.

But, remember, permissions are always inherited. What does this mean?

If an “AdminGCP” user creates a new folder in “GCP”, let’s suppose “VPNs”, what happens? This folder would inherit the “GCP” permissions, thus, in our example, read+write for “GCPAdmins”. Even if this new “VPNs” folder is given read+write permissions on a completely different group, and not “AdminGCP” explicitly, “AdminGCP” will always have read+write permissions.

In other words, a permission on a folder is granted for itself and all its children folders.

While this may sound as a limitation, in the long run it allows to avoid wild permissions forests, such as “hidden” folders available only to a restricted number of people, in a point of the folder ‘tree’ where you would not expect it.

That is indeed exactly how user Admin in PassWeaver API works: it’s part of the builtin Admins, which has read+write access to ‘Root’ folder, thus to every folder - due to this kind of inheritance.


User passwords are hashed using bcrypt algorythm.

Items are encrypted at rest in the database using AES-GCM, using a master key that is read from the environment variable PASSWEAVERAPI_MASTER_KEY: there is no other way to get the master key and this is fully intentional, in order to leave the responsability of safely keeping your master key secret completely up to you.

WARNING: as with any other software using asymmetric encryption, if you loose your master key you’re completely screwed and there is no way to recover encrypted data. So be sure you keep your master key safe and properly backed up.

Operations log

Every operation is logged into the database, from logins to CRUD operations, to items accesses.

Application logs

PassWeaver API logs every call in a ‘combined’, Apache-like format. Errors are tracked in a separate log instead.



PassWeaver API uses JWTs for authorization with a SHA-512 algorithm. No sensitive data is stored within the token, just the user id.

A JWT is returned on successful login, and it must be provided in all subsequent calls - until it expires - in requests header as an “Authorization bearer”.


PassWeaver API endpoints respond with JSON payloads using standard HTTP response codes, so be sure to handle them correctly:

Along with HTTP response code, you’ll always get this minimum payload:

  status: success/failed,
  message: text,
  data: {}

In case of errors (status=”failed”), you can find the explanation in the “message” field.

If any data is returned by the endpoint, it will be always encapsulated in the “data” field:

  status: success/failed,
  message: text,
  data: { whatever }

Install and run


Download the source, and install all dependencies with npm:

npm install


Edit config-skel.json and save it as config.json. These are the options:


Your environment must expose these 2 variables:


PassWeaver API uses PostgreSQL as RDBMS and Prisma to access it.

Create an empty database on your existent PostgreSQL istance, and set the environment variable PASSWEAVERAPI_PRISMA_URL accordingly.

Then, inside PassWeaver-API directory, run the following commands:

The default user admin will be created with password 0: change it as soon as you login.


run npm passweaver-api.mjs.

You may want to create a Linux service via systemd or a Windows service via nssm.

Full API documentation

For a full API documentation you can refer to this page